Free and Affordable Resources


Browse our talks, downloads, guides and books.

Birth Trauma 101 Session

Our birth trauma 101 training video is free to watch. It is 15 minutes long and is designed as an introduction to birth trauma and vicarious trauma. The short talk explains what trauma is and how birth has become a widely recognised cause of trauma. We touch on the symptomatology of birth trauma and the different aspects of the journey from conception to early parenthood which can cause trauma in women, birthing people and their families. We also discuss why it’s so important to look at the whole system around birth and how the wellness of professionals is vitally important too. Click the registration button below and we’ll share the video.

The Make Birth Better Training Manual


The Make Birth Better Manual is a comprehensive guide for all professionals about trauma-informed care and awareness across the whole maternity journey. 

Based on the Make Birth Better Model, it provides advice on trauma-informed care, showcases best practice and highlights examples of the scenarios in which trauma can arise for both parents and staff. 

An everyday tool for all those who come into contact with women, birthing people and their families, this guide is an essential part of learning for all those who wish to make birth better.

Available in print version and as a PDF download. 100% of profits will go towards our vital work. 

Free Birth Trauma Training Sessions

Check out our free bitesize training series covering different aspects of birth trauma:

  1. Trauma in professionals: the cost of caring with Dr Jan Smith.

  2. Language matters: why every word counts with Dr Rebecca Moore.

Free PDF Downloads


Browse these free downloads for professionals covering topics including: What Is Birth Trauma?, Am I being coercive? Setting Up Reflective Practice Groups.

Browse these free downloads that you can share with the parents(-to-be) in your care. Covering topics including: Am I Traumatised?, Birth After Trauma, Treatment and Recovery.


Why Birth Trauma Matters

By Make Birth Better Co-founder Dr Emma Svanberg.


When we think about trauma and PTSD we tend to think about war and conflict. But around a third of women feel some part of their birth was traumatic. This experience can impact on their mental and physical health, their relationships and future plans.

In Why Birth Trauma Matters, Dr Emma Svanberg, clinical psychologist and co-founder of Make Birth Better, explores what happens to those who go through a bad birth. She explains in detail how birth trauma occurs, examines the wide-ranging impact on all of those involved in birth, and looks at treatments and techniques to aid recovery. By drawing on her own research and the work of experts in the field, and sharing the first-hand experiences of women, she shows how it is possible to begin to move on.


The Make Birth Better Model

Based on research, we have created a model which describes the impact trauma has on every part of the maternity system. Our belief is that birth trauma and vicarious trauma cannot be prevented without addressing each different layer. We are convinced that small changes at any layer can make a huge difference. Watch this video to learn how and view this free PDF download here.


Supported by our Training Sponsor Irwin Mitchell


Explore more about Make Birth Better online training, our annual birth trauma summit, and our bespoke training packages.